Monday, April 29, 2013

Bordering on the absurd

The pretense that any meaningful border security improvements will result from the latest round of immigration reform efforts has reached the point of being insulting. If our "public servants" in Washington were serious about border security, they wouldn't need to pursue it in an immigration bill. And just why is it that the Republicans are the only ones on capitol hill that accept these diabolical bargains anyway?

Border security is not an immigration issue. The fact that the two sides refuse to come together on a border security package, free of the tangential issue of immigration, is a clear indication that the leadership of neither Party is serious about border security. We don't see Republicans attaching the defunding of Planned Parenthood to gun control bills. Why does the Republican leadership accept that amnesty for illegal aliens must be part of efforts to secure the border? The answer is simply, and obviously, that they don't place a high priority on securing the border.

The GOP establishment is clearly concerned with trying to find carrots that can be used to entice Hispanic voters after the 2012 elections. They should consider that there is a limit to how long they can expect the conservative base to continue putting up with being taken for chumps, particularly when there is no data supporting the idea that the GOP has the first clue about how to attract Hispanic voters. The conservative base of the GOP is becoming increasingly cynical about Party politics. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be significant point of concern for the Party leaders.

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